Friday, September 4, 2009

Technology at it's Best

Chatting it Up Online Students Talk to a Favorite Author, By Pamela Livingston.
This article was very enjoyable, it gave great insight to teachers who are new at integrating technology into their classrooms. The article gives a step by step process on how to set up chatting session between students and book authors. This was great news for me, because I now know where to begin in this type of process. Livingston says it is a safe and private use of the Internet, which gives a peace of mind. We as teachers must first come up with a plan to get the children interested and excited, this is achievable by encouraging the students. Once you have a group of students ready to participate you then need to register for the chat. Livingston says it is a good idea to withhold the chat information until it is approved and running so it won't cause any disappointment to the students and I agree. Livingston points out a few great examples on how to prepare for the chat. A reservation of a computer lab is key so the students can chat together. Testing hardware and connection in advanced is also a smart concept to consider, but always, always have a back up plan! Another great way to plan ahead as Livingston discusses is to ask the students in advanced for their questions they want to ask the author, and approving them. I also read that these type of sites do take some getting used to, as all technology does. Reading about the students reactions to this learning process was the highlight of this article. I can tell that the students really got engaged with the information the author was sharing with them, by learning in this new, exciting way. Livingston's note on how this can be a great experience for not only the students, but an opportunity for the staff and teachers to work as a team was encouraging. After reading this article I am now more knowledgeable on the subject matter, as well as excited to use technology as a key tool in the classroom.

I can adapt these new ideas into the class room not only for reading resources, but as a way of learning through personal interaction. Even if I didn't have the equiptment for all students to have their own computer, I could use a projector screen connected to a single computer for all to see and participate in. I am glad the resources are out there so I can reaserch and find technology systems like chatting to use alongside lesson plans, it will be a great learning experience for me and the students alike. My future students will use technology as tool in their learning experience, to recall information and to learn through exploring.

The ISTE NETS for teachers and students includes NETS-4.


  1. I like how you would adapt this concept for your own use. I do not really think there is a reason for every child to have their own computer either. I think your excitement for using technology in the classroom is refreshing and will help to change education for the better.

  2. I like how you made a point of not telling students about an upcoming plan (such as a chat session) until it's been approved and confirmed. I think we all know how kids can be and when you tell them about an upcoming event they get really excited about that so then you don't want to disappoint them if the plans fall through. GOOD JOB ALYSSA!!!

  3. I think that students respond better when teachers do things that are not traditional. Using computers will keep the students in to what ever you are teaching. I think you thought of a great way to make it your own.
