Friday, September 18, 2009

Creative Technology

Fusing Art and Technology by Allison L. Downey.

This article was especially interesting to me, because I love the fact that students get to integrate the arts through technology. Art is becoming cut left and right at schools, and it is one of the most important classes of all. Instead of cutting it, why not fuse it! This article explains how a seventh grade class living in a poverty community uses art in technology to express themselves. Using Adobe paint shop, the students were assigned a variety of art projects ranging from digital media to graphic design. They were able to take images of themselves and use different techniques to alter them, either by adding paint, doubling an image, or even changing the background. Another great concept these students experienced through this was learning about different cultures, which is another very important concept all students should be learning. This is also a great technology for behavioral problems, because it helps them focus, and it is fun! As Downey states, this technology raises their awareness of and inspires intrest in a variety of careers. Learning art through technology is great because it not only ignites their imagination but it lets them explore their creativity, as Downey explains.

In my classroom I could easily adapt these ideas into any curriculm. I could use paint shop for a history lesson, just as I can with another subject. Art is a very important part of the learning process, because it lets the students learn on thier own level and lets them experience what they are capable of first hand. This technology is a three in one, you get art, technology, and a lesson plan in one software! This is definetly a purchase I will look into as a teacher, or as the seventh grade class did, get a grant to make learning happen!

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